How To Render High Quality Video In After Effects On Mac For Youtube
How to present high quality in aftereffects How to present high quality in a low size size give YouTube Rendering settings Software tutorial Best post. Posted by admin October 30, 2018 in After Effects.
If there are some hidden files you fail to locate or identify, do a web search about the app components. Besides, you can utilize the Terminal app (located in Utilities folder) to list the contents of the directory in question and then delete the offending items.
Once you've gone through the process of creating an animation in order to create a self-contained file that lives outside of After Effects CC you need to render. And in this tutorial, we're going to render using the Render Queue. Now, it's always a good idea to watch down your project one more time before you render. So, go to the Timeline and click once in the Timeline panel to make it active, then press the Spacebar and watch your project. This is exactly what I want.
So, I'll press the Spacebar to stop playback. In order to render this to the Render Queue since I already have the Timeline of the Composition I'd like to render active all I have to do is go up under the Composition menu and choose Add to Render Queue. Before we dive into a bunch of different settings let me just show you the simplest workflow for rendering a high-resolution video file out of the Render Queue. Under the Render settings I'll just click on the drop-down arrow and choose Best Settings. Under the Output Module click on the drop-down arrow and make sure Lossless is chosen. Then on the right over here under Output To click on the blue text and that will open up a window where you can specify where you'd like to render your project.
I'm going to render mine right next to my project files and under File name I'll call this Happy_Lion. Now since I'm on a Windows machine this is going to render as an AVI, if you are on a Mac it'll render as a QuickTime movie. Go ahead and click Save and at this point all you have to do is click Render to actually render your full resolution output. Now, let me show you some of the key settings that you might want to change if you need to whenever you create Renders with the Render Queue. Under the Render settings go over to the word Best Settings and click on it to open the Render Settings. If you want to render a video file that's a little smaller than full res, click on the Resolution drop-down and choose Half or Third.
And the video file will only be one-half or a third the size. It'll still be full resolution and it will just be smaller pixel dimensions. I'll change my Resolution back up to Full.
Then here on the right underneath Frame Rate there's an option where you can specify the Start frame or the End frame. So, if you click the Custom. Button you can specify to only render, say, 1 second of your animation. I'll click Cancel.
Let's go to the Lossless area. Click on the word Lossless and this is where you can specify the Format, so by default on Windows it'll be AVI, on the Mac it'll be QuickTime but if you click on the drop-down you could render a JPEG Sequence or a PNG Sequence. JPEG and PNG are just compressed still image files. So, what's interesting about these sequences is if you had audio the audio wouldn't go with it, this would just render the video aspect of things. That's why most of the time people will render to QuickTime or AVI if they want a self-contained video file.
I'll click outside of that panel to close the Format Options. Down here at the bottom this is where you can specify the Audio settings but I find the default typically works perfectly well, so I'll just click Cancel out of there. So, to render our project let's go over and just press the Render button. Once the Render is complete I'll just navigate to my File browser and sure enough there's my Happy_Lion video file and to watch it back I'll just double click and it'll load up in your video player and there you have it, Rendering with the Render Queue. What you learned: Render a composition The term render refers to the process of publishing your work, which creates self- contained files viewable outside of After Effects: • Select the desired composition in the Project panel.
• From the main menu, select Composition > Add to Render Queue. You will see the Render Queue panel open in the bottom part of the interface. • The default settings will work fine for a high-resolution output. There are three main areas to focus on in the Render Queue panel: • Render Settings: Click the blue type Best Settings to adjust the quality settings, set overall size (height and width), or choose a custom range of frames to render out. • Output Module: Click the blue type Lossless to specify the format of the kind of file being created or, if applicable, the audio settings.
• Output To: Click the blue type to the right of the words Output To and then choose the name of the output file and where to save it. There are two distinct advantages to rendering your After Effects CC project using Adobe Media Encoder CC. The first one is the fact that Media Encoder CC contains a ton of different presets. So, if you need to save a file for a portable device or a specific social network, there's a preset for that. The second, is the fact that it actually moves rendering out away from your After Effects CC project into Media Encoder CC.