Loading In App On Xampp For Mac
I successfully installed XAMPP on Mac OS X EL Capitan Version 10.11.1. Apache Server, ProFTPD and MySQL Database are running. I followed XAMPP's How-to-guide to transfer files via the proFTPD server / configure FTP access, so I can also use a FTP client like Filezilla to access the htdocs/ subdirectory of the XAMPP installation directory. I have intalled XAMPP for macOS Sierra. I have one icon in application for XAMPP. I am able to run the server & it's services but I am not able to find the htdocs folder.
I'm sure the answer to this is obvious but: I'm using Aptana Studio 3 and XAMPP on Mac OSX. Someone sent me a web app so I could load it up but I'm running into the following issues: 1) While XAMPP intro pages loads up fine with just 'localhost' using port 80, all my other projects will only load using 2) Linked JS & CSS in the web app are written like this: But I get 404; for Apache to find it I need to remove the first '/' so it looks like this: I would like to understand what's happening here because I can't (don't think I should have to if I do it correctly) remove all the beginning '/' for the linked files. Incidentally, I have set my server config to use a base URL and append project name. The only thing that works is when I use I've never had this happen on my Windows machine. After getting some rest, I figured out that my problems were mostly because I'm not accustomed to working on a Mac but also being a bit sloppy.
I moved XAMPP out of Applications and into Documents while still leaving a copy of XAMPP in Applications and this was the root cause of my troubles. The way Macs work (I guess), XAMPP would never work outside of Applications but having a copy in both places only compounded my problem. What I probably could do is move htdocs into Documents while leaving the main XAMPP folder inside of Applications, making sure to change the document root for Apache in the appropriate conf files.
Regarding the absolute vs relative file paths for external files, the solution is to create another workspace in Aptana only for the web app. Once again, Mac OSX doesn't want to cooperate: in Windows, you can launch multiple instances of Eclipse/Aptana to access different workspaces. Chromecast plug in for mac. How to make dolphin emulator run faster on mac. Not so with Mac and this has been a problem for roughly the past 6 years or more. Luckily, someone created a plugin that remedies this problem very nicely and can be found here: Works in both Eclipse and Aptana Studio 3 I hope someone else can benefit from this post.
I’m new to xampp on mac. Thanks for this tip start. But on modifying hosts file I guess you mean: sudo nano /etc/hosts.
By the way, I think it is also helpful to have separate error log and access log for each virtual hosts. I set mine like this: # this keeps working DocumentRoot “/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs” ServerName localhost ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ErrorLog “logs/error_log” CustomLog “logs/access_log” # this adds a virtual host called planet.local which will have files # located in /Applciations/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/planet DocumentRoot “/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/planet” ServerName planet.local ServerAlias ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ErrorLog “logs/planet-error_log” CustomLog “logs/planet-access_log” Thanks.